2019.03.01 - 2019.03.30

Päivi Lukkarila



Päivi Lukkarila, born 1967, is a Finnish writer and teacher of drama and Finnish language. She has written 14 novels for children and young adults and two non-fiction books for adults. The themes of her novels vary from loneliness and feel of inadequacy to overcoming one’s fears. She received The City of Tampere literature award with her novel Koitetaan kestää Nanna in 2007. Her fantasy novel for children, Kolmen ajan maa was a nominee for Arvid Lydecken literature award and for Lasten LukuVarkaus award in 2012 and her novel for young adults, Ihana Panda was a nominee for Anni Swan literature award in 2015.

Summary of residence plan

Päivi Lukkarila is interested in Japanese arts and culture. As she practised Wado Ryu Karate for several years she became fascinated by the concept of zanshin, the state of total awareness. In karate zanshin is often described as being aware of one's surroundings and enemies, while being prepared to react. In Youkobo Art Space Päivi Lukkarila is working on a manuscript of a novel for young adults. In this book she is hoping to contemplate the idea of achieving zanshin in everyday life where instead of martial enemies one has to be prepared to meet his inner opponents.

Date 2019.03.01 - 2019.03.30
Place Residence 3
Website https://paivilukkarila.wordpress.com/