【Invitation to artists! OPEN CALL for an early summer residency in Finland】
【Invitation to artists! OPEN CALL for an early summer residency in Finland】
Artist exchange program between Finland and Japan, organized by Youkobo Art Space and Finnish Artists' Studio Foundation.
One artist from Tokyo, Japan will be selected to undertake a two-month residency (May-June, 2017) at Tapiola Studio (administered by Finnish Artists' Studio Foundation).
遊工房アートスペースとFinnish Artists' Studio Foundation の双方の企画による、
フィンランド・ヘルシンキにあるTapiola Studio(Finnish Artists' Studio Foundation 運営)での2ヶ月間の滞在制作(2017年5-6月)をする東京を拠点としたアーティストを1名募集します。
Deadline: December 16 (Fri)
For details, please refer to the application guidelines attached below.
All enquiries to:
info@youkobo.co.jp (Youkobo Art Space)
応募要領→Finland Studio Program2017.pdf
お問い合せ 応募申込先: